For the past 2 1/2 days, we've had some excellent trails to walk. Rain is intermittent, but we're getting just as much sunshine. Today was our first full day in Spain. Immediately, trail conditions were better along with more places to stop and enjoy a coffee or something to eat. Still, at this time of year, there aren't a lot of pilgrims walking this Camino. Most of the time we have the trail to ourselves. As you'll see from these photos, the Portuguese and Spanish countryside are quite beautiful.
Today, we were advised to take an alternate route through a forested area that turned out to be an excellent recommendation. Instead of walking for several miles on a highway through an industrial area, we strolled through a wooded area often along a stream. Walking doesn't get any better that this.
We've decided to add a day on to our walk thus cutting down the number of miles we would have had to walk today. Seems like a popular decision being made by a number of other pilgrims we've talked with. We'll have one less day in Santiago, but one more day on the trail.